Submitting a Paper or Article

AQC accepts two types of research paper: long form papers (6,000 – 10,000 words); and short form non-delivery papers (1,000 – 4,000 words).

Papers submitted for publication should be factual and substantiated. They will be sent for blind peer review before acceptance and authors may be asked to modify their submission in line with reviewers’ comments. Papers should be original and not have been published elsewhere. The decisions of QC’s editorial committee are final.

Published papers become the copyright of Quatuor Coronati / QC Correspondence Circle Limited, although the author is automatically granted a licence to reprint any paper, provided the fact that it was published in AQC is acknowledged. Papers cannot be published by third parties without the consent of QC/QCCC. The author is responsible for obtaining permission for any images used and for any fees required in that respect.

Authors may wish to contact the editor to determine whether the proposed subject is suitable for inclusion.
Articles must be submitted electronically (ideally in Word format) and not sent by post.
Papers should be submitted in line with the AQC Style Guide.



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