Membership of QC Lodge is by invitation. The most usual first step is to join QCCC and thereafter to submit a research paper either for delivery within the Lodge or for publication in AQC.

Lodge membership marks those who have a recognised track record in publication and a reputation for rigorous research. Membership is also open to others who can assist in running the Lodge and QCCC.

Members of QC Lodge manage the Correspondence Circle, prepare and edit the Transactions and other QC publications, maintain the website, and arrange our symposia and conferences.

Join or Renew your Membership of Q.C.C.C.

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Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.

Join or Renew your Membership of Q.C.C.C.

The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

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Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.