Welcome to Paulo Sequeira Rebelo, our latest Local Secretary in Portugal

Paulo Manuel Sequeira Rebelo has been a freemason for some thirteen years.  He was initiated in 2006 at Vitória Lodge nº 330 and was subsequently a founder member and past master of Atena Lodge nº 548, both under the Grande Oriente Lusitano.  In 2017 he joined Correia Barreto Lodge nº 89 under the jurisdiction of the Grande Loja Legal de Portugal / Grande Loja Regular de Portugal, where he was elected Orator, and subsequently joined Sampaio Bruno Lodge nº 111, where he is currently Junior Warden.  An active member of the Correspondence Circle, Paulo recently volunteered to serve as the Local Secretary for QCCC for the northern region of Portugal, and we are delighted to welcome him as such.  Paulo can be contacted at pmsrebelo@outlook.com.

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