Welcome to Eugenio Tschelakow, our newest Local Secretary in Brazil

Originally from Argentina, Eugenio Tschelakow has been living in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, since 1990.  A lawyer by profession, Eugenio currently works in sales and marketing in the petrochemical industry.

Eugenio was initiated in 1997 into Liberdade Lodge No. 48, Grand Lodge of Argentina, and is presently a member of Liberdade Lodge No. 1 under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Bahia. In that capacity he holds the Presidency of the Masonic Studies Center and works with the Grand Secretary of International Relations.  Eugenio is also a member of the Amor e União Chapter No. 71 of the Sacred Royal Arch of Jerusalem, Grande Oriente do Brasil, and holds the 18th Degree in Old and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Supreme Council of Brazil.

An avid researcher, Eugenio has had several essays on freemasonry published by Editora A Trolha, Brazil.

We would like to welcome Eugenio as our QCCC Local Secretary in Salvador, Bahia; he can be contacted at etschelakow@uol.com.br.

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