We are delighted to welcome Michael J. Ramos as our latest Local Secretary for the San Francisco Bay Area. Michael lives in the Bay Area and works at the Grand Lodge of California as its Lodge Development Manager and as a Leadership Development committeeman, and will be known to many California masons.
Michael holds membership under both California and English Constitutions in Craft, Chapter, and the Progressive Orders. He is a Past Master of Crow Canyon Lodge No. 551, Primus Master of Templum Rosae Lodge No. 863, a Founder Steward of Essex Cornerstone Lodge No. 9968, a joining member of Lodge of Merit No. 8523, and a life member of the Northern California Lodge of Research. In Chapter, Michael is a Past First Principal of Siminoff-Daylight Chapter No. 163, a joining member of Shoeburyness Chapter No. 6665, a life member of the Golden State Chapter of Research, and serves as Inspector of the 15th District for the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of California.
Additionally, Michael has been a founding member, and holds current office, within various bodies of the Progressive Orders. His research interests primarily revolve around early 18th-century English Freemasonry and the development of various ‘high degrees’ and rites throughout the British Isles and Continental Europe.
Michael can be reached at MRamos.QCCCSec@gmail.com