The original ‘Main Objects’ of the Lodge were set out on page 34 of AQC Vol. 1 for 1887:

  • To provide a centre and bond of union for Masonic Students.
  • To attract intelligent masons to its meetings, in order to inbue them with a love for masonic research.
  • To submit the discoveries or conclusions of students to the judgment and criticism of their fellows by means of papers read in Lodge.
  • To submit these communications and the discussions arising thereon to the general body of the Craft by publishing, at proper intervals, the Transactions of the Lodge in its entirety.
  • To reprint scarce and valuable works on Freemasonry, and to publish Manuscripts, etc.
  • To make the English-speaking Craft acquainted with the progress of masonic study abroad, by translations (in whole or part) of foreign works.
  • To tabulate concisely, in the printed Transactions of the Lodge, the progress of the Craft throughout the world.
  • To acquire permanent premises and form a masonic library and museum.

Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the Premier Lodge of Masonic Research, continues today to work to the standards laid down in 1884 and we strive to maintain the high quality of research papers, lectures and discussion established at our foundation.

On this site you will find a selection of the papers from our transactions, AQC, which are published on behalf of the Lodge by Q.C. Correspondence Circle Ltd. Please click the button below to join.

* The founding members were Brothers Sir Charles Warren, William Harry Rylands, Robert Freke Gould, The Revd Adolphus Frederick Alexander Woodford, Sir Walter Besant, John Paul Rylands, Major Sisson Cooper Pratt, William James Hughan and George William Speth.

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The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

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