The Legend of the Quatuor Coronati

For information on upcoming events and lectures visit Next Meeting,
Programme for the Year
and When and Where to hear our speakers.

Our Installation Meeting is on 14 November: book here.

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Quatuor Coronati is the world’s premier Masonic research lodge.
Established in 1884 and consecrated in 1886, our founders adopted an evidence-based approach to Masonic history that replaced the more imaginative writings of earlier authors; it became known as the ‘authentic school’ of Masonic research.

Quatuor Coronati (QC) maintains the same principles today. We hold meetings incorporating lectures five times a year, usually at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London; publish our lectures, research papers and ‘Notes & Queries’ in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum – AQC, the annual Transactions of the Lodge; and arrange conferences & symposia on many different aspects of freemasonry.

In addition, QC oversees the annual Norman B Spencer Prize, one of the most prestigious Masonic Research awards. The 2024 winner of the NBS prize is Alan T. Robertson with ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… and others: the Freemasons of Worcestershire, c.1750-1850’

QC shares its research and encourages scholarship via the QC Correspondence Circle – QCCC – the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago. Wherever you are based, from the Americas to Europe, India, Asia, Australia & New Zealand, or the rest of the world, we would be delighted if you were to join us as a member of QCCC.  We are an international community and QCCC is open to everyone.


Membership Subscriptions and Renewals

Our membership year runs from 1 December – 30 November.  Subscriptions can be renewed automatically via Direct Debit (UK) or continuous credit card payment authority (UK & International). Subscriptions and Renewals can be made securely online or by phone. Check your membership status by going to Find My Account.  (In all cases, please ensure you Register; an automated email will confirm / reconfirm your membership and you should log in using that information.)  And please check that we have your current email and postal address and that you have consented to our emails.

If you have any difficulty in renewing or subscribing or if you are not receiving our regular emails, please tell us by emailing, with a copy to, so that we can follow-up. If you have unsubscribed in error or think you may have entered a mis-typed email, please click Resubscribe to QCCC emails and add your email address.
If you are missing a recent back edition of AQC, including the last issue, these can be purchased here.

No matter when you join, you will receive your copy of AQC shortly after the end of the membership year, usually in January.


Our Research Resources contain a collection of important Old Charges and Masonic Manuscripts, the early Minutes of the Grand Lodge of England (‘the Moderns’), and the early Minutes of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Institutions (‘the Antients’).
We provide a complete list of papers published in AQC from inception to date, a set of indexes to all past volumes of AQC, links to downloadable past issues of AQC, and many other sources of further information.

A few of our past events are described at Recent Symposia.


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Under the General Data Protection Regulation all societies need to give their members an account of the personal details they hold and the use to which they will be put. So: we hold your name, address, email, phone number (where supplied), date of joining and method of payment on a database maintained securely by Warners Group Publications plc on our behalf. We use this information for the purpose of communicating news of upcoming events etc., for general communications with members, to facilitate subscriptions and renewals, and for accountancy/audit. The information held on each member can be viewed by that member once they have registered and is open to amendment by such member.  No details are released to any other organisation. A copy of our current subscriptions data retention and disposal policy is available by emailing us at

Join or Renew your Membership of Q.C.C.C.

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Make a Donation

Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.

Join or Renew your Membership of Q.C.C.C.

The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

Join or renew


Make a Donation

Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.